by Charlotte Olsson | Aug 26, 2020 | BLOG
A few days ago I met Fanny who has a Youtube channel called Glimpsesofeverywhere. She asked if she could film a personal portrait of me as an artist. I thought it sounded really exciting and here is the result. Some of you who have followed me for a long time probably...
by Charlotte Olsson | Feb 26, 2020 | BLOG
Gott Folk! Det är med stor spänning och mycket pirr som jag i torsdags hälsade ett gott gäng välkomna till världspremiären av min tygkollektion. En sådan resa detta har varit! Så mycket känslor! Först stor skaparglädje när designen gjordes, sedan kraftig uppgivenhet...
by Charlotte Olsson | Dec 19, 2018 | BLOG
Click here to read the full story! (Page 18-19)
by Charlotte Olsson | Jan 22, 2018 | BLOG